Prevention Guidelines for Women 18 to 39

ScreeningWho needs itHow often
Alcohol misuseAll adultsAt routine exams
Blood pressureAll adultsYearly checkup if your blood pressure is normal* Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg* If your blood pressure is higher than normal, follow the advice of your healthcare provider.
Breast cancerAll women in this age group should talk with their healthcare providers about breast self-awarenessAt routine exams 
Cervical cancerWomen ages 21 and olderWomen between ages 21 and 29 should have a Pap test every 3 years. HPV testing is not advised. Women between ages 30 and 65 should have a Pap test plus a high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) test every 5 years or a Pap test alone every 3 years, or every 5 years with hrHPV testing in combination with cytology (cotesting).
ChlamydiaSexually active women, including those who are pregnant and who are:
24 years and younger
25 years and older at increased risk for infection
At routine yearly exams or as advised during pregnancy
DepressionAll women in this age groupAt routine exams, including during and after pregnancy
Diabetes mellitus, type 2Adults with no symptoms who are overweight or obese and have 1 or more extra risk factors for diabetes (such as having a close relative with diabetes or having had diabetes in a previous pregnancy)At least every 3 years (annual testing if blood sugar has begun to rise) Blood sugar should be tested for gestational diabetes around week 24 of pregnancy.
GonorrheaSexually active women, including those who are pregnant and who are:
24 years and younger
25 years and older at increased risk for infection
At routine yearly exams or as advised during pregnancy
Hepatitis CAnyone at increased risk for infectionAt routine exams (once between age 18 and 79)
HIVAll womenAt routine exams, including during pregnancy. Preexposure prophylaxis should be offered to those at high risk of HIV infection.
ObesityAll adultsAt routine exams
SyphilisWomen at increased risk for infectionAt routine exams if at risk
TuberculosisAnyone at increased risk for infectionCheck with your healthcare provider
VisionWomen in this age group 1Every 5 to 10 years if no risk factors for eye disease
Health CounselingWho needs itHow often
Breast cancer, chemopreventionWomen at high riskWhen risk is noted. Chemoprevention may be recommended after age 35.
BRCA mutation testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibilityWomen with increased riskWhen risk is noted. Genetic counseling is recommended and genetic testing if indicated.
Diet and exerciseWomen who are overweight or obeseWhen diagnosed and at routine exams
Domestic violenceWomen at the age in which they are able to have childrenAt routine exams
Sexually transmitted infection preventionWomen who are sexually activeAt routine exams
Skin cancerPrevention of skin cancer in fair-skinned adults through age 24At routine exams
Tobacco use and tobacco-related diseaseAll adultsEvery exam

* American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines

1 From the American Academy of Ophthalmology

Other guidelines are from the USPSTF.