Prevention Guidelines for Women 65+

ScreeningWho needs itHow often
Type 2 diabetes or prediabetesAt least every 3 years
Alcohol use or misuseAll adultsAt routine exams
Blood pressureAll adultsEvery year if your blood pressure reading is less than 120/80 mm Hg. If your blood pressure reading is higher than normal, follow the advice of your healthcare provider
Breast cancerAll womenMammogram every other year or you may choose to continue mammograms every year
Cervical cancerAccording to the American Cancer Society (ACS), women older than 65 who have had regular screening with normal results do not need to be screened for cervical cancer. Once screening is stopped, it should not be started again.Discuss with your healthcare provider
ChlamydiaWomen at increased risk for infectionAt routine exams if at risk
Colorectal cancerAll women of average risk and in good health in this age group, through age 75. For women ages 76 to 85, talk with your healthcare provider about continued screening. For women 85 and older, experts don’t advise screening.The ACS recommends:
Several tests are available and used at different times.
For tests that find polyps and cancer: Colonoscopy every 10 years (recommended), or Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, or CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years. For tests that primarily find cancer: Yearly fecal occult blood test or Yearly fecal immunochemical test every year, or Stool fecal immunochemical test plus DNA test, every 3 years. You will need a follow-up colonoscopy if you choose any test other than a colonoscopy and you have an abnormal result. Screening recommendations vary among expert groups. Talk with your doctor about which test is best for you. Some people should be screened using a different schedule because of their personal or family history. Talk with your doctor about your health history and what colorectal cancer screening schedule is best for you.
DepressionAll adults who have access to a clinical practice that has staff and systems in place to assure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and follow-upAt routine exams
GonorrheaSexually active women who are at increased risk for infectionAt routine exams if at risk
HIVAnyone at increased risk for infectionAt routine exams if at risk
Hepatitis CAnyone at increased risk; 1 time for those born between 1945 and 1965At routine exams
High cholesterol and triglyceridesAll women ages 20 and older at increased risk for coronary artery diseaseAt least every 5 years, or more frequently if recommended by your healthcare provider
Lung cancerWomen between the ages of 50 and 80 who are in fairly good health, are at higher risk for lung cancer, and who: Currently smoke or have quit within the last 15 years, and have a 20-pack year history of smoking (1 pack/day for 20 years or 2 packs/day for 10 years)Yearly lung cancer screening with a low-dose CT scan (LDCT); talk with your healthcare provider about your risk and situation
ObesityAll adultsAt routine exams
Osteoporosis, postmenopausalAll women ages 65 and olderBone density test at age 65, then follow-up as recommended by healthcare provider
SyphilisAnyone at increased risk for infectionAt routine exams if at risk
TuberculosisAnyone at increased risk for infectionCheck with your healthcare provider
VisionAll adultsEvery 1 to 2 years; if you have a chronic disease, check with your healthcare provider for exam frequency
CounselingWho needs itHow often
Aspirin for prevention of cardiovascular problemsWomen ages 55 to 79 when the potential benefits from reducing ischemic strokes outweigh the potential harm from an increase in gastrointestinal hemorrhageDiscuss with your healthcare provider
Diet and exerciseAdults who are overweight or obeseWhen diagnosed and at routine exams
Fall prevention (exercise, vitamin D supplements)All women in this age groupAt routine exams
Sexually transmitted diseases preventionAll women at increased riskAt routine exams
Tobacco use and tobacco-related diseaseAll adultsEvery exam