Occupational Therapy

A Holistic Approach to Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy helps people across the lifespan with cognitive, physical or sensory impairment improve independence by being able to achieve activities of daily life. Our highly-skilled OT team can evaluate your situation and develop goals with you, focusing on task management, improving motor skills and providing emotional support to create a holistic solution for you.
Occupational Therapy focuses on the things that occupy you in your daily life, such as bathing, cooking, and work tasks. OT specialists begin by conducting a personal evaluation to determine the condition of the person, their obstacles or physical limitations and their goals. Then, we’ll work with a cross-dimensional team to design a plan to improve health and ability to function.
Many of our patients have suffered injuries and are seeking help to return to work or other activities healthier and better able to avoid future injury. We also treat adults and children with disabilities, and we help seniors experiencing physical and cognitive changes associated with aging to better manage their health.
Our interventions include strength training and work hardening exercises designed to strengthen muscles required for your daily tasks. We offer patient education for learning how to manage activities of daily living (ADLs) – at home, work and in the community. We give recommendations for layout and design changes of the home, school or workplace to allow for greater access, teaching energy conservation (work smarter not harder!) and work simplification methods to increase efficiency and stamina. We also offer senior education on the special challenges brought by aging, while remaining physically and mentally active.
OT specialists may also address psychological, social and emotional problems to round out the holistic approach to improving overall health.