Adult Volunteer Application

Contact Information

Do You Text?(Required)
Email Address(Required)

Demographic Information

Date of Birth
Do you have family members employed by MCH?(Required)
Preferred Pronouns(Required)

Volunteer Preferences(Required)
Please select your top three (3) options. See descriptions at Volunteer Opportunities

I understand that submitting this application form does not guarantee a volunteer position, and that there are certain qualifications I must meet -- including the acceptance of established volunteer policies and procedures -- before I can begin volunteering.

By submitting this form, I attest that the information I have provided on the form is true and accurate.

I understand that if selected I must complete and/or provide the following before beginning my volunteer work:

  • MCH Employee Health Requirements.
  • TB Skin Test (provided by MCH Employee Health.
  • Current immunization Record
  • Background Check (completed by MCH Human Resources.
  • Computer Based Learning Modules (to be completed after acceptance, but before June 6 start date. Will be sent by Human Resources).

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.