Update on COVID-19 Vaccinations Provided by Med Center Health
We are encouraged by the number of Kentuckians who want to be vaccinated and we ask for everyone’s continued patience as we work through the request list. Presently, over 12,000 submitted requests remain to be scheduled.
To date, Med Center Health has administered over 10,300 doses of the vaccine to qualified individuals in the state’s phase 1a and 1b categories. We are scheduling qualified individuals who have texted or emailed Med Center Health as quickly as possible and as the limited supply of vaccine arrives. We are notified on a weekly basis the number of doses that will be provided by the Kentucky Department of Public Health and are not able to schedule more appointments than the number of doses sent to us.
To those qualified individuals in phase 1a and 1b who have submitted a request but have not yet received an appointment response, we ask that you not resubmit another request as doing so will only move the request further back in line and further delay the appointment date.
If you have been provided an assigned date and time for your vaccination at Med Center Health and have received an assigned vaccination day and time at another location in Kentucky, please cancel your appointment at Med Center Health by texting CANCEL to 270-796-3200.
Watch for further announcements from Med Center Health.