Tomorrow’s Woman earns Mastectomy Accreditation from the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc.
Tomorrow’s Woman has received accreditation from the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc., (ABC) an independent, nonprofit organization which has been providing facility accreditation since 1948.
ABC’s evaluation of Tomorrow’s Woman includes a thorough review of the physical facility and quality of patient care. ABC interviews both staff and patients and conducts a review of organizational documents, including records of patient care.
“Receiving accreditation is a significant achievement, one that recognizes outstanding performance by Tomorrow’s Woman,” says Catherine A. Carter, Executive Director of ABC. “The facility owners should be commended for their commitment to providing quality care to the people in the community.”
Founded in 1948, ABC is dedicated to improving the quality of the nation’s orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic care through accreditation and certification. ABC encourages facilities to meet or exceed quality standards through accreditation and the teaching of quality improvement concepts.
Tomorrow’s Woman offers a full line of mastectomy and partial mastectomy items, as well as post-surgical mastectomy garments. They assist any woman who has had breast surgery of any type, including women who have had reconstruction or will be going through reconstructive breast surgery. The highly-trained and professional certified fitters at Tomorrow’s Woman assist clients in finding breast prosthesis and bras that best suit their needs.
“We are extremely pleased to have achieved this designation,” said Carol O’Kelly, Manager of Tomorrow’s Woman. “Accreditation is a rigorous process, but one that we welcome as a continual quality improvement mechanism. Earning ABC accreditation is another measure of our excellence as a premier provider of mastectomy supplies and reflects our commitment to our patients.”
The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc. has been credentialing practitioners and accrediting organizations since 1948 in accordance with established standards of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient care. As a nonprofit organization, ABC’s mission is to establish and advocate for the highest patient care and organizational standards in the provision of safe and effective orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic services.