Cabinet for Health and Family Services issues final ruling in Certificate of Need application for additional ambulance service

The Cabinet for Health and Family Services has issued a final ruling against Greenview Hospital’s Certificate of Need application to establish an additional ambulance service in Warren County.  It is apparent that Greenview Hospital’s application does not meet the legal requirements of current Certificate of Need regulations, and it was appropriately rejected by the Cabinet’s Hearing Officer. 

“Med Center Health appreciates the Hearing Officer’s adherence to the law and we hope that Greenview Hospital will conclude, as the current Cabinet has stated, we do not have a public health crisis in Warren County and we certainly do not need another ambulance service in Warren County,” said Wade Stone, Executive Vice President of Med Center Health. “We call on those at Greenview Hospital and HCA, their parent company, to put this waste of time and resources to an end so that both hospitals can focus on providing the services that our communities actually need.”
