Hospitality House

Hospitality House featured image

When you make a gift to the Hospitality House Endowment, your donation is invested, allowing the principal to remain intact and grow over time. The original gift is never spent—a portion of the investment return is used to provide ongoing, permanent support.

The Hospitality House was built by contributions from donors who believed in providing comfort to those who need a home while loved ones are receiving care in our hospitals. The annual cost of operating the House is approximately $250,000 per year. An endowment ensures its operational stability for years to come.

The Hospitality House is located at 501 High Street, adjacent to The Medical Center. Tours are available on request by calling 270-780-2700.

Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by current law. The Foundation recommends that you check with your tax advisor as to the deductibility of your gift.

Learn More About The Hospitality House