Heritage Circle

Heritage Circle

The Heritage Circle honors those who strengthen the vision and commitment of Med Center Health Foundation by including the Foundation in their Will or Estate planning. Your contribution will provide funds not otherwise available for making significant and exciting improvement in the quality of healthcare. 

A planned gift to the Heritage Circle may take many forms:

  • Bequest in a Will
  • Establishment of a trust
  • Gift of life insurance or annuity
  • Stocks or real estate

All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by current law. Med Center Health Foundation recommends that you check with your personal tax advisor as to the deductibility of your gift.


  • Med Center Health Foundation extends special recognition to this committed group of individuals.
  • Special invitations to Med Center Health and Foundation functions, such as dedications, open houses and other special events.

Please contact the Foundation at 270-796-6519 for more information.

Heritage Circle Members

Jerry E. Baker (d.)
Carolyn (d.) and James (d.) Brite
John (d.) and Chris Desmarais
Opal (d.) and Robert (d.) Proctor
Shirley and Hugh David (d.) Roe
Bernard Young (d.)

(d.) – Deceased