Billing Policies
We strive to contain costs and maintain our commitment to excellence in medical care by ensuring that every appropriate effort is made to collect money owed to our providers for their services.
We work hard to collect for services provided to those who can pay so that we can continue to provide care to those who can’t.
Patients are responsible for the charges for services received. However, to assist patients in meeting their financial obligations, the hospital will bill their health insurance carrier(s) for them, as long as a valid ID card and/or information regarding insurance coverage is presented at the time of registration.
Our providers accept assignments of benefits and maintain active follow-up program with all insurance carriers. Insurance is billed as a courtesy to the patient and the patient remains responsible for contacting their insurance carrier to ensure prompt payment of their accounts. Patients should contact their insurance if payment has not been made within 45 days. If insurance doesn’t pay, we may bill the patient. Accounts with delinquent balances or without adequate payment arrangements may be forwarded to a collection agency or attorney.
At the patient’s request, a detailed bill will be provided. CFR will send periodic statements to the patients or responsible party in an effort to keep them informed as to the status of all open accounts.
Please contact Customer Service at 270-745-1100 or 800-786-1581 for more details.
The Patient Billing and Collection Policy provides general guidelines for patient billing and collection of payment for services. This applies to each entity that is owned by Commonwealth Health Corporation (Med Center Health) and billed by Commonwealth Financial Resources. This policy also describes the process and time frames used in taking these collection actions, including the “reasonable efforts” that must be taken to determine whether an individual is eligible for Financial Assistance before initiating collection actions to obtain payment.
CFR Billing and Collection Policy – English CFR Billing and Collection Policy – Bosnian CFR Billing and Collection Policy – Burmese CFR Billing and Collection Policy – Spanish CFR Billing and Collection Policy – Swahili