NICU campaign reaches $36,000 in donations

Med Center Health Foundation has raised more than $36,000 to date for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) campaign that launched in April. As The Medical Center at Bowling Green expands its NICU, the hospital is looking to purchase three new Giraffe Incubator Carestations at a total cost of $100,000. On average, 1 in 4 babies who need treatment in the NICU require care in a specialized incubator.

The Foundation continues to accept donations for the NICU fundraiser to reach its $100,000 goal. Any donation, no matter the amount, is greatly appreciated. You can make your gift via payroll deduction as part of the ECHO (Employees Contributing to Help Others) program or a one-time donation.  For more information, contact Kathy Smith at ext. 6519 or email

Louisville Zoo Package Winner Announced

During a recent employee fundraising event for the NICU campaign, employees who donated $100 or more were entered into a drawing for a Louisville Zoo family package. Brandon Greathouse with The Medical Center at Bowling Green Material Distribution is the winner of the package donated by the Louisville Zoo that includes four tickets to zoo, four carousel rides and adoption of a giraffe – a $207 value.

Brandon Greathouse is pictured with Med Center Health Foundation Executive Director Amy Hardin and Director of Annual Giving Kathy Smith.
