
Common Cold vs. Flu: How do you know the difference?

The winter months are upon us and with that comes cold and flu season. Flu and the common cold are two contagious viruses that share a lot of the same symptoms, so how do you know which one you may have? How your symptoms present, how common they are, and how long they last are usually different. Here’s a side-by-side comparison chart for you.

Signs and SymptomsInfluenzaCommon Cold
FeverTemperature of 100*F and >, lasting 3-4 daysTemperature < 100*F
CoughDry, can be severeHacking
Muscle PainCommon, often severeUncommon, mild
Tiredness & WeaknessLasting 2-3 weeksVery mild and brief
Extreme ExhaustionEarly and prominentNever
Chest DiscomfortCommonUncommon or mild
Stuffy NoseOccasionallyCommon
Sore ThroatOccasionallyCommon

How can you help stop the spread of Common Cold and Flu?

  1. Performing good hand hygiene practices. The CDC recommends that you clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub after touching high touch surface areas (i.e., door knobs, light switches, etc.) and washing your hands with soap and water before eating and after using the restroom.
  2. If you find yourself sniffling or sneezing, use respiratory etiquette by coughing and sneezing in your sleeve or a tissue and immediately cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub.
  3. Get your flu vaccine! It’s never too late to get your flu vaccine. Please contact your Employee Health Representative listed below.

Employee Health Representatives

MCBGEmployee Health Services270-745-1263
MCFLacey Phelps, RN270-598-4977
MCSPatricia Davis, RN270-618 3721
MCCSandy Duncan, RN Megan Riggs, RN (back-up)270-786-1919 270-786-6630
MCALogan Aaron, RN606-387-3690

Please remember to call Employee Health to be cleared to return to work if you have the flu or any other communicable illness.
