The Medical Center at Albany staff help patient achieve goal
Determination is a huge part of achieving a goal – in the case of Lera Sue Johnson, an employee at the Tyson chicken processing plant in Albany, her goal was to live long enough to achieve her 20-year anniversary with Tyson Foods. She wasn’t going to let a diagnosis of terminal cancer stop her. She didn’t let a diagnosis of COVID-19 stop her, either. In January, while a patient at The Medical Center at Albany, she received her 20-year recognition from Tyson.
“You choose the way you want to live,” she said, “When I was diagnosed with cancer, the doctor asked me what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to keep working with my friends – they make me happy.”
Amy Claborn, Nursing Supervisor with The Medical Center at Albany, collaborated with Tyson’s Human Resources team to get the award and flowers to Sue. Because Sue was in isolation due to COVID, Amy arranged for a Face Time call so the Tyson team could be available when Amy gave her the award.
“It was an honor for me to present Sue with her 20-year plaque from Tyson Foods,” Amy said. “She loves to work and loves her work family and it was a huge accomplishment for her to obtain her 20 years with the company. She is a special person and loved by all who know her, including myself. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to make this happen for her.”
Pictured above: Amy Claborn, Nursing Supervisor (right), presents Lera Sue Johnson her 20-year recognition from Tyson Foods.