Over the Edge – The numbers are in!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Over The Edge, including Caleb Benningfield, Corporate Director of Pharmacy, who is pictured above. Caleb single-handedly raised more than $1,000 to benefit the Barren River Area Child Advocacy Center. That makes him a super hero!

“BRACAC plays a crucial role in caring for children who have been victims of sexual abuse,” Caleb says. “I was honored to have the opportunity to go ‘Over The Edge’ as a means to support such a worthwhile cause. I am very appreciative to everyone who donated to allow me to have the opportunity, including several members of our Pharmacy department. I had a great time!”

The event raised $109,500 to benefit the Barren River Area Child Advocacy Center, which is chartered with caring for children and young adults who are the victims of abuse in our region of Kentucky. The Center offers a child-friendly location where teams of professionals work together to pursue justice and offer treatment for child sexual abuse victims.

During their fiscal year of July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, the Center served 843 children. Because of Over The Edge and grant funds, they have been able to conduct 419 forensic interviews and 1,568 trauma-informed mental health services, which lead to healing for these children. Learn more at www.bracac.org.
