Nominate someone for a Get Fit Club award!

Is your team working together to promote a healthier lifestyle at work?  If so, your team would be a great candidate for the Get Fit Club Recognition programs: Witness to Wellness and the Team Spirit Award.

Witness to Wellness is a recognition award designed for coworkers to nominate each other for individually starting and maintaining healthy practices. Examples for the award would be: losing weight, stopping smoking, eating healthier, beginning an exercise program, etc. 

The Team Spirit recognition award is about working together as a team to help each other achieve healthy goals and lifestyles. Examples of this are: joining a gym together, encouraging a healthy diet, participating in wellness events as a team, or holding each other accountable for healthy behaviors.

Completed forms should be submitted to After the winners are selected, their stories will be published in the MCHLife newsletter. Click below for the nominating forms. 

Witness to Wellness Award Nomination Form

Team Spirit Award Nomination Form

If you have questions, feel free to email or call Sherry Suggs, RN at 270-745-1263.
