Good Samaritan – Vivian McClellan

Congratulations to Vivian McClellan, former director of education and development and current hospital volunteer, for being honored with the Good Samaritan Award. Please see the nomination below to see why the Employee Recognition Committee selected Vivian as an award recipient.

Vivian volunteers her time every Wednesday. She offers a Bible verse and prayer for staff that wish to engage. This week on a Thursday we had a staff member asking if she was coming that day and I told her that she comes on Wednesdays. She said that she likes when she comes. When Vivian first started her volunteering in this capacity she had very few to attend and now the staff seek her out. She typically comes when night shift is here in the morning about 0630, so she sees some younger and newer staff. The staff loves her positivity and appreciates her efforts.” – Gabriele Gregory
