Emeritus nurses return to Med Center Health to lend a helping hand

Four former Med Center Health nurses with more than 75 years of combined experience have returned to the Medical Center at Bowling Green to lend a helping hand to multiple floors in the hospital.

The four emeritus nurses are:

Pamela Parker

Worked at Med Center Health for 23 years as an RN and is now helping out on 5C.

Cathy Phelps

Worked at Med Center Health for 42 years as an RN and is now helping out on 5A and 5B.

Annette Robertson

Worked at Med Center Health for 11 years as an RN and is now helping out on 4D.

Marilyn Lucas

Worked at Med Center Health for 22 years as an RN and now helps out on 3A.

These emeritus nurses are doing anything they can to help out our staff here at the hospital. If you see one of these awesome nurses, let them know how happy we are to have them return!
