CRSH celebrating 20th anniversary – June 11

Commonwealth Regional Specialty Hospital (CRSH) plans to have an informal reception with cake on Tuesday, June 11, to celebrate their 20th anniversary.

CRSH opened up June 9th, 2004. Since then, they have served approximately 4,500 patients. CRSH is the only long term, acute care hospital that serves this region. They provide specialty care for patients who require a longer and more complex hospitalization.

CRSH provides continuity of care for chronically or critically ill patients, regardless of the diagnosis.  Unlike nursing homes or skilled nursing transitional care units, Commonwealth Regional Specialty Hospital is designed to address the unique and complicated physical, emotional, spiritual nursing and rehabilitation needs of each patient, while in an acute care setting.  Over the last 20 years, CRSH has been able to offer a unique level of care to those in the community and fulfill Med Center Health’s mission of caring for people and improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.
